About Us


As the leading experts in Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) consultation and testimony, our team sets the standard for excellence nationwide. With a proven track record, we’ve supported countless individuals and entities throughout the court process, providing essential guidance and expert testimony for ICWA cases. Our dedication to preserving the rights and cultural heritage of Native American families distinguishes us as the trusted choice for navigating ICWA complexities. Partner with us to ensure your ICWA journey is guided by expertise, compassion, and success.

Our Mission

Empowering Justice and Cultural Preservation: Our mission is to deliver unmatched expertise in Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) consultation and testimony, safeguarding the rights and cultural legacy of Native American families. Through a commitment to excellence, compassion, and advocacy, we equip individuals and organizations engaged in ICWA cases to navigate complexities with confidence and integrity. Upholding the tenets of justice and cultural preservation, we aim to drive positive outcomes and strengthen Native American communities across the nation.

Our Involvement

States Involved
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Cases Reviewed
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Hours of Testimony Provided
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Trainings Provided Yearly
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